a group of people in clothing

Hope for Ukrainians

HFunds Moldova (501c3 Charity) is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping Ukrainian Refugees building a new community in Moldova

Since 2022 the M4P Community Center in Moldova has provided emergency aid to over 50K Ukraine refugees.

Our first community-led project is sustainable Community Outreach Centers across Moldova based on a prototype in Chisinau.

We aim to rebuild lives through rehabilitation, empowerment and integration into the community and also with the western principles

Our Impact

Small Nation, Big Heart

A Small Nation with a Big Heart: Moldova's Unwavering Support for Ukraine

Moldova, a nation of just 3 million people has welcomed over 1.25 million refugees, offering them shelter, safety, and hope in the face of unimaginable hardship. All this despite being one of the continent's poorest countries, with an average monthly income of $600 USD

At HFunds Moldova, we are driven by the same spirit of solidarity that has defined Moldova's response to this crisis. Born from the grassroots movement "Moldova for Peace," our mission extends beyond immediate relief. We envision a future where Moldovans and Ukrainians together build vibrant, inclusive communities—places where everyone has a sense of belonging and purpose.

This is not just a response to a crisis; it is a call to action. It is a movement to transform challenges into opportunities, a duty we all share to help our neighbours in need. Join us in building a brighter future where Moldova and Ukraine stand as a beacon of unity.

Programs for Rebuilding Lives



We connect refugees with available accommodation options by matching their needs with offers from local families in Chisinau and surrounding districts. This initiative aims to provide a safe and welcoming environment for those in need.

Grupo de amigos correndo pelo campus universitário.


We organize cultural events and activities that promote community engagement and provide a platform for refugees to share their stories and heritage. These events foster connections and build a sense of belonging.

woman browsing on the internet


Recognizing the psychological toll of displacement, we provide mental health support services to help refugees cope with their experiences. This includes counseling and group therapy sessions led by trained professionals.

Hope shines brightest in the darkest times.

Join us in making a difference!

Our Community

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